I have recently started to learn about how to build web pages in a modern javascript
everywhere kind environment. This is what I have found.
The modern Web
Basics of computer programming Part 2: Programming Languages
The next part of computer programming, this time I shift the focus to programming languages, the main, but far from the only tool of the trade.
Basics of computer programming Part 1.1: More obscure types of programs
So in [the last post]{@/Computers/basics_of_computer_programming_introduction.md} I tried to guide through the type of programs that are normally visible to the user.
Basics of computer programming Part 1: The Types of Programs
Coding is a buzzword, being able to write computer programs is a highly sought after skill and something that can come in very handy from time to time. There are many ways to write code that depend on a myriad of different constraints and requirements. There is undoubtedly an art to writing computer programs. Here I would like to share the philosophy and techniques that I have come to use and find useful over the many years I have been programming.
Basics of computer programming Part 0: Why programming
The question of why is by far the most important question to answer. Without the why, the rest of what I have read may very well be the class in school that you always loathed. So here I want to make it my task to get you intrigued about learning how to program.