It has come as it had to, I will try to move all of my note-taking online. I have had a Website for about two years now and I have been contiguously fiddling with it and trying to make it the place where I put every bit of writing that I deem good enough to publish. By now I know that I learn best by formulating what I know in a "proper" manner, that is by writing a coherent text or a series of related pieces of information down on a piece of paper. And from now on, so I hope, I want to replace writing it onto paper with putting it here.

The thing about paper (as Tim Berners-Lee figured out and why I assume he thought up the html and http technologies) is that it does not lend itself to editing and does not allow for a "web like" organisation. That means that I restrict myself to a linear format, forcing me to rewrite much of what I know over and over instead of editing and refining my existing description. It does not allow to reference things that may be interesting without having to explain that reference again.

To put it simple the "web" is the way I think and the way I organize information. My website, that you are reading allows me to structure my thoughts and Ideas in the form of documents in the physical world. It wont run out of space, I can show it to anyone anywhere thanks to the marvels of modern technologies and I have all of these Notes no matter how old and how obscure at the tip of my fingers. So the perfect notebook and the way that the web was originally envisioned so long ago. So welcome to my notebook, or the physical representation of the structure of my mind (that does sound a bit weird I know but I don't know how to put it better).

I am doing this now, because I have just fixed and tested the Katex implementation of math rendering in browsers, which enables me to write math efficiently now. Implementing a few cool Ideas that I will shamelessly steal form others (not without mentioning them of course) I should get fairly quick at putting things to paper. With the CI pipeline that I put in place to build everything that should make it reasonably manageable form a technical perspective.

Looking forward to see how this thing will develop. Take care and be nice.