Set up GDB for flashing and debugging Microcontrollers with rust

As discussed in the last post GDB is the program between you and the chip. GDB and the underlying GDB server translate the commands into the correct electrical signaling so that the thing happens that is specified by the command. To get GDB to do what you want to do is however still a bit of a challenge which I will try to address here.

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Building a fluid Solver

Statistics is a field of Mathematics primarily concerned with Probability, it's definition and interpretation as well as figuring out a whole lot of things about how probabilities behave.

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Fundamental Concepts in Statistics

Statistics is a field of Mathematics primarily concerned with Probability, it's definition and interpretation as well as figuring out a whole lot of things about how probabilities behave.

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Elitism, it's origins and obvious shortcomings

I just read a piece on the veil of ignorance, what it is and what effects it has on people. In short, when designing something, the designer is encouraged to view the thing they have built through the veil of ignorance. From the point of view of another entirely different human, with an entirely different background and experience. What would they see, what could they want form it and how would you go about helping them in getting what they are using the thing / came here for.

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The future of My note taking has arrived

It has come as it had to, I will try to move all of my note-taking online. I have had a Website for about two years now and I have been contiguously fiddling with it and trying to make it the place where I put every bit of writing that I deem good enough to publish. By now I know that I learn best by formulating what I know in a "proper" manner, that is by writing a coherent text or a series of related pieces of information down on a piece of paper. And from now on, so I hope, I want to replace writing it onto paper with putting it here.

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